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 农村老年女性 再就业 身体实践 空间生产 崧厦镇    


 Rural elderly women Re-employment Body practice Production of space Songxia Town    


在人口平均寿命增加和生育率下降的双重影响下,我国人口老龄化程度不断 加深,农村人口老龄化和女性老龄化趋势显著。随着人口抚养比的上升,家庭赡 养压力和国家财政压力逐渐增加,未来如何有效解决老龄化问题成为一项难题。 “积极老龄化”理论注重老年人的社会参与,而老年人再就业则是社会参与的一 个重要方面。我国实施积极的人口老龄化战略,并制定相关政策文件以促进老年 人再就业,重视老年人就业不仅有利于缓解人口老龄化带来的经济压力,也有利 于降低人口结构变化带来的风险和冲击,延长人口红利并挖掘二次人口红利。“中 国伞城”崧厦镇老龄化程度较高,当地老年群体虽有再就业实践经验,但仍存在 一定问题,有必要对其进行深入研究。 地理学关注老龄化问题并形成了“地理老年学”这一分支学科,然而有关老 年人再就业的研究较为匮乏,对于再就业具体实践如何进行空间生产和协商的分 析尚未明晰。地理学的“空间转向”和“身体转向”为研究积极老龄化背景下的 老年人再就业实践提供了全新的视角,本文以农村老年女性为研究对象,基于积 极老龄化理论、身体地理学理论和空间生产理论开展研究。首先,根据人口数据、 POI 数据、ArcGIS 软件对人口老龄化和老年人再就业现状进行分析和可视化呈 现;其次,基于Nvivo12软件分析深度访谈数据,探索农村老年女性再就业身体 实践的动力因素;最后,对农村老年女性再就业身体实践与空间生产展开研究, 期望能为未来的积极老龄化建设和解决好“三农”问题提供科学思路。 本文的主要研究结果如下:首先,崧厦镇人口老龄化水平较高,老年人口数 量大,并呈现出女性老龄化的趋势。农村老年群体再就业现象显著,且大部分从 事制伞业,60-69岁年龄段的老年就业人口数量最多,年龄一旦超过75岁,老年 就业人口数量就会锐减。农村老年女性是再就业竞争中的弱势群体,与老年男性 相比,老年女性的就业率低,就业领域狭窄、就业机会少,再就业收入是她们的 重要收入来源。其次,在农村老年女性再就业身体实践的动因分析中,通过开放 性编码、主轴编码、选择性编码的三级编码过程,最终得出身体建构、个体需求、 家庭状况、社会规训、社会保障和同辈影响这6个主范畴是主要影响因素。身体 建构和个体需求是核心因素,发挥着决定性作用;家庭状况、社会规训、社会保 障和同辈影响是非核心因素,借助身体建构和个体需求对再就业身体实践起着间 接作用。最后,本文依据列斐伏尔的空间生产理论框架和节奏分析思想,从四个 方面探讨农村老年女性再就业身体实践与空间生产的关系。其中“身体与空间的 实践”展现了身体的展演与体验,阐述了她们的身体实践过程与身体体验,再就业身体实践赋予家庭空间新的经济意义,再就业和隔代照料的家庭责任也使身体 在不同的空间之间流动。“身体与空间的表征”表明再就业的身体实践受到了权 力和资本的规训,权力和资本通过干预身体推动空间的生产。“身体与表征的空 间”体现了农村老年女性再就业过程中身体对空间的反抗,她们对刻板印象去污 名化,积极自我赋权,构建身份符号,并产生出地方依恋和自我认同。“身体实 践的节奏-空间协商”体现了再就业的身体具有节奏空间差异特点。基于研究结 论,本文从完善农村老年女性再就业保障机制、转变传统观念和优化就业环境、 发展农村老年女性再就业教育服务三个方面提出具有针对性的政策建议,以促进农村老年女性的再就业实践。


Due to the rising life expectancy and declining birth rates, China's population is experiencing an increasingly severe aging trend, particularly noticeable in rural areas and among women. As the dependency ratio rises, both family caregiving obligations and national fiscal burdens are on the ascent, and how to effectively solve the problem of aging in the future has become a problem. The concept of "active aging" underscores the importance of seniors' social engagement, with re-employment among the elderly being a pivotal form of such participation. China has adopted proactive strategies to counteract population aging, issuing policy directives aimed at encouraging elderly re employment. Attaching importance to the re-employment of the elderly not only alleviates the economic strains stemming from population aging but also mitigates the risks and impacts associated with demographic shifts, thereby prolonging demographic dividends and unlocking secondary demographic benefits. The degree of aging is higher in Songxia Town. Although the local elderly group has practical experience in re employment, there are still some problems. Therefore, it is necessary to study further. While geography has devoted attention to aging concerns and spawned the subfield of "geographical gerontology". Research on elderly re-employment remains relatively scant, particularly in understanding the spatial dimensions of re-employment practices. The geographical paradigm shifts towards exploring spatial and bodily dimensions offer fresh insights into understanding elderly re-employment practices within the context of active aging. Focusing on rural elderly women, this study draws upon theories of active aging, body geography, and Lefebvre's production of space. Firstly, through the utilization of population data, POI data, and ArcGIS software, an analysis and visualization of population aging and elderly re-employment are presented. Subsequently, employing Nvivo12 software, in-depth interview data are analysed to uncover the motivating factors behind rural elderly women's re-employment body practices. Lastly, an examination of the interplay between rural elderly women's re employment body practices and the production of space is undertaken, to offer scientifically grounded approaches to future active aging initiatives and address rural challenges. Key findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, Songxia Town exhibits a high level of population aging, with a sizable elderly population, notably characterized by female aging. There is a significant re-employment phenomenon among the elderly in rural areas, and most of them are engaged in the umbrella industry. The highest number of elderly re-employed individuals falls within the 60-69 age bracket, sharply declining beyond 75 years old. Rural elderly women are disadvantaged in the re-employment competition, facing lower employment rates, limited job prospects, and fewer opportunities compared to their male counterparts. Re-employment income is an important source of income for rural elderly women. Secondly, analysis of the motivating factors behind rural elderly women's re-employment body practices reveals six main categories: bodily construction, individual needs, family circumstances, social norms, social security, and peer influence. While bodily construction and individual needs emerge as core determinants, family circumstances, social norms, social security, and peer influence exert indirect influences through bodily construction and individual needs. Lastly, drawing on Lefebvre's production of space and rhythm analysis, this study explores the nexus between rural elderly women's re-employment body practices and the production of space, shedding light on four facets, "embodied spatial practice", "spatial representations of the body", "body and representational space", "rhythms of body practice-spatial negotiation". "Embodied spatial practice" shows the performance and experience of the body, describing the process and experience of their body practice, the re-employment body practice that give new economic meaning to family space, and the intergenerational caring and re-employment that move the body between different spaces. "Spatial representations of the body" suggests that re-employed body practice is disciplined by power and capital, which drive the production of space through interventions in the body. "Body and representational space" suggests the body's resistance to space in the re-employment process of older rural women, who de stigmatize stereotypes, actively empower themselves, construct identity symbols, and produce place attachment and self-identity. "Rhythms of body practice-spatial negotiation" reflects the rhythmic-spatial difference of the re-employed body. The study's conclusions inform targeted policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the re-employment prospects of rural elderly women by refining support mechanisms, reshaping social perceptions, optimizing the re-employment environment, and developing re-employment education services for rural elderly women.

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