论文题名(中文): | 中日修好条规与朝日修好条规签订之比较研究 |
作者: | |
学号: | 2015010708 |
保密级别: | 公开 |
论文语种: | chi |
学科代码: | 06 |
学科名称: | 历史学 |
学生类型: | 硕士 |
学位: | 历史学硕士 |
院系: | |
专业: | |
第一导师姓名: | |
第一导师学校: | |
论文完成日期: | 2018-05-12 |
论文答辩日期: | 2018-05-18 |
论文题名(外文): | A Signature Study on Repair of China-Japan Regulations and Fixing Regulations of Asahi |
关键词(中文): | |
关键词(外文): | Ancestral hall system treaty system Sino-Japanese repaired regulations Afghan repairing regulations |
论文文摘(中文): |
摘 要 进入19世纪中后期,随着西方资本主义列强的到来,东北亚局势跌若起伏,西势东渐的局面也渐渐形成。东西方两种不同文化相碰撞使得中国在东亚的优势地位逐渐丧失。日本自明治维新以来,通过效仿西方先进制度成为东亚第一个近代资本主义国家,并利用近代外交手段企图通过条约的法律约束力来争取其在东亚的领导地位。1871年9月19日《中日修好条规》和1876年2月26日《朝日修好条规》就是日本学习并利用近代国际法体制来实现对外侵略扩张的两次实例。《中日修好条规》使日本与中国建立近代国家关系,并在东亚区域取得与中国同等地位。《朝日修好条规》则向朝鲜强加近代不平等条约制度并打开其国门,并且实质地冲击了长久以来中朝间的宗藩关系。朝日条约同时也成为了中朝日三国近代时期关系史的开端,中日两国在朝鲜半岛对于朝鲜问题的矛盾冲突开始且不断升级。日本企图夺取中国在东亚地区的优势地位,不断挑衅中国的宗主权,而中国则就中朝宗属问题不断调整对朝政策。此时的朝鲜处于社会转型期,军事方面新旧军队发生冲突所引发的“壬午兵变”以及思想方面开化派与保守派间对峙所引发的“甲申政变”都对朝鲜的转型造成了深远的影响,以上都是中日两国在朝鲜对抗的体现。最终,中日在朝鲜半岛的矛盾激化导致甲午战争爆发,清政府的战败和《马关条约》的签订使日本的自信心更加膨胀,日本成为近代东亚地区全新的强势力量。如此一来,日本的实力与地位逐渐上升,而中国与朝鲜则慢慢走向衰败。清朝的落后使其在东亚失去了主导权,此后不久,朝鲜更是成为了日本的囊中之物,近代东亚的国际秩序发生了根本变化,传统宗藩体制被近代条约体制取而代之。近代东亚地区新的政治格局也就此基本形成。 关键词:宗藩体制;条约体制;《中日修好条规》;《朝日修好条规》
文摘(外文): |
Abstract In the middle and late 19th century, with the arrival of western capitalist powers, the situation in Northeast Asia has been ups and downs, and the situation of the gradual development of the West has gradually formed. The collision of two different cultures in the East and the West caused the gradual loss of China’s dominant position in East Asia. Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has become the first modern capitalist country in East Asia by emulating the Western advanced system, and has used modern diplomatic means to try to win its leading position in East Asia through the legal binding force of the treaty. "China-Japan Amendments to Good Regulations" and "Affluent Amendments to Regulations" are two examples of Japan's study and use of the modern international legal system to achieve foreign aggression and expansion. The "Sino-Japanese Rules for Rehabilitation" enabled Japan and China to establish modern state relations, and achieved the same status as China in the East Asia region. The "Abolishing the Rules of the Asahi" imposed a modern unfair treaty system to North Korea and opened its doors to the country. Since the Sino-North Korean relations of ancestry. The Asahi treaty also became the beginning of the history of the relations between the three countries of China, the DPRK, and Japan. The contradictions and conflicts between the two countries on the Korean Peninsula in the Korean Peninsula began and constantly escalated. Japan’s attempt to seize China’s dominant position in the East Asian region continues to provoke China’s patriarchal sovereignty, while China continues to adjust its policy toward the DPRK. At this time, North Korea was in a period of social transformation. The "Midnight War of Mutiny" triggered by the conflict between old and new military forces in the military, and the "Gap Coup" triggered by the confrontation between the ideological liberalization and conservatives have caused far-reaching changes in North Korea. The above influence is also a reflection of the Sino-Japanese confrontation in North Korea. In the end, the Sino-Japanese intensification of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula led to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War. The defeat of the Qing government and the signing of the "Shimonoseki Treaty" made Japan's self-confidence more inflated, and Japan became a new and powerful force in modern East Asia. As a result, Japan’s strength and status have gradually increased, while China and North Korea have slowly declined. The backwardness of the Qing dynasty caused it to lose its dominant position in East Asia. Shortly thereafter, North Korea became a capsule in Japan. In modern times, the international order in East Asia changed radically, and the traditional ancestral shrine system was replaced by the modern treaty system. The new political structure in modern East Asia has also basically taken shape. Key words : Ancestral hall system; treaty system; "Sino-Japanese repaired regulations"; "Afghan repairing regulations" |
参考文献: |
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开放日期: | 2018-05-29 |