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 教育学 - 教育 - 学科教学(地理)    






















 中国 俄罗斯 高中地理 课程标准 比较    


 China Russia high school geography curriculum standards comparison    














The geography curriculum standard is the basic programmatic document of the national curriculum and the basis for geography teaching and evaluation. The International Charter on Geography Education issued in 2016 states that "we should encourage the comparison of geography curriculum standards and courses in different countries, and encourage the creation of opportunities for international teacher exchanges to disseminate basic knowledge, skills and values in all geography education". This research takes the provisions on "geography curriculum standards" in the General High School Geography Curriculum Standards (2017 version, revised in 2020), the Russian Federal Education Standards for Secondary General Education and the National Standards for Secondary (Full) General Education as the research object, and adopts the methods of literature, comparative research, content analysis and other methods to study the curriculum objectives, curriculum content The curriculum evaluation and other aspects are compared and studied to analyze the similarities and differences between the curriculum standards of the two countries, with a view to laying a foundation for the communication between Chinese and Russian senior high school geography teachers, broadening the vision of senior high school geography teachers' teaching, and providing reference for the further improvement of senior high school geography curriculum standards in China. The following conclusions are drawn through comparative analysis:

The similarities are mainly shown in:

1. In terms of curriculum objectives: (1) The geography curriculum objectives of senior high schools in both countries have corresponding systems and levels. The geography curriculum objective system of senior high schools in China has three levels of general objectives - core literacy - content requirements. The geography curriculum objective system of senior high schools in Russia has two levels of social science general objectives and specific objectives of the geography discipline. (2) The description of geography curriculum goals in senior high schools in both countries mostly uses Majie's behavioral goal description method to describe the degree of learning performance or learning results achieved by students. (3) The geography curriculum objectives of senior high schools in both countries have knowledge, ability, discipline ideas and discipline values.

2. In terms of curriculum content: (1) There are two levels of academic content in the geography curriculum of Chinese and Russian high schools, one is the geography knowledge content necessary for citizens, and the other is the geography knowledge content for the development of geography studies; (2) The content of geography curriculum in both Chinese and Russian high schools includes regional geography and earth science, and the content of geography curriculum in both Chinese and Russian high schools reflects the latest progress of modern geography.

3. In terms of curriculum evaluation: (1) The evaluation of geography curriculum in Chinese and Russian senior high schools focuses on students' development; (2) The geography curriculum evaluation of Chinese and Russian senior high schools is divided into four levels from low to high; (3) Both China and Russia attach great importance to the development of students' ability in geography curriculum evaluation of high schools.

The differences are mainly shown in:

1. Curriculum objectives: (1) The curriculum objectives of geography in senior high schools in China are embodied by the core quality of geography to achieve the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. The goal of Russian senior high school geography curriculum is to cultivate students' ability from the perspective of geographical scientific thinking and realize the unity of self value and social value. (2) In the expression of the goals of the geography curriculum in senior high schools of the two countries, the Russian high school geography curriculum goal verb is not specific, clear and operable; (3) Russia's high school geography curriculum objectives focus more on knowledge and skills, while China's high school geography curriculum objectives focus more on problem-solving ability and highlight geographical practical ability.

2. In terms of curriculum content: (1) The content structure of geography curriculum in senior high schools in China is compulsory+selective compulsory+elective, which can better meet the learning needs of students with diverse geography curriculum content. The structure of geography curriculum in Russian senior high schools is basic level+professional level, without optional content; (2) The geography curriculum of senior high school in China includes physical geography, human geography, regional geography and its resources, environment and national security. It focuses on system geography and reflects different levels of learning in a modular way. Russian senior high school geography includes world geography and earth science, which is rich in content and systematic. It is a study that distinguishes different levels by theme;

(3) The selection of geography curriculum content in senior high schools in China is more general, while that in Russia is more specific; (4) The content selection of geography curriculum in senior high schools in China is reflected in the application of geographic information technology, but not in Russia.

3. In terms of curriculum evaluation: (1) China's senior high school geography curriculum evaluation level is relatively general, while Russia's senior high school geography curriculum evaluation level is relatively specific; (2) The evaluation of geography curriculum in senior high schools in China is embodied by the core quality, which attaches importance to the ability to solve problems in reality; The evaluation of geography curriculum in Russian senior high school is embodied by specific knowledge and skills, focusing on the professional ability of geography.

To sum up, we can see that there are similarities and differences between the curriculum standards of China and Russia in terms of curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum evaluation, etc. The causes are mainly reflected in the national conditions, social needs, geographical discipline development and other factors. Among them, Russia's high and middle geography curriculum objectives are deeply affected by the geography syllabus, and China is deeply affected by the international geography curriculum reform. Based on a deep understanding of the geography curriculum standards of senior high schools in the two countries through comparison, the international exchange of geography teachers in senior high schools in the two countries can be enhanced, and in the process of learning from each other, we can jointly promote the long-term development of curriculum reform in the two countries.

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